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Jefferson School 2018

Our beautiful brick school built in 1955 sits across from a family park and community soccer field. The well-loved park has tennis courts, a sand volleyball court and a water spray park. Behind our campus is a city softball field. 

Our school campus has a beautiful playground updated in 2018! This playground is the result of many hours of fundraising, support from our district facilities department, and an amazing group of volunteers. As you might guess our playground is the favorite place for many of our students. As a school we believe in free play and letting children be children for as long as possible. 


We also have a fabulous school garden with a green house. Our students plant, grow, and consume a variety of vegetables. It is pretty satisfying to see how much students enjoy a salad they have grown themselves! Our garden concept and sustainability is thanks to one of our many fabulous teachers, Mrs. Gardner. Yes that is really her name! 

Our students’ minds and bodies are growing here at Jefferson. We provide free breakfast and lunch as well as healthy afternoon snacks. Our PE teacher, Mrs. Henson teaches healthy habits that set our students up for a lifetime of fitness. Our family PE night is a favorite for students as they get to lead their parents in workouts. We also have a highly successful running club and our students took first place for participation in the Pear Blossom run in 2018.

 At Jefferson we believe that music is extremely important. Our new music teacher, Mrs. Polendey, will be introducing our school song to all students this year. Our entire staff learned our new school song and performed it for a district crowd of 1,400 people.  

 We Nurture, We Educate, We grow, We love our students, our staff, our families, and our community.